Friday, September 08, 2006

Best Thursday Night Ever

Most of you probably don't know this, but a long time ago, I used to play bass. I started in junior high (with a brief stint with a band called Exposed Youth... which later went on to become the lame-but-famous college-rock group, O.A.R). I started playing jazz in high school, and actually got pretty good at it. I gave up playing once I got to college and realized that I didn't have nearly the drive or passion that the conservatory students had.

That was nine years ago. I haven't really played since.

Many of you probably DO know that every Thursday night, I go to Fiume to listen to the Citywide Specials play. They're my favorite country/bluegrass band, and I'm one of the more recognizable drunken regulars in attendance.

Tonight, the bassist wasn't able to make it. They asked if anyone played bass. I took a long swig of whiskey and said yes.

That's right, hang around the bar long enough, and eventually they make you part of the band.

Best. Thursday. Ever.