The Good News, The Bad News
Alright, well I've been meaning to update this for weeks, but recent events aren't very bloggable. So let me just give you the important highlights:
-Got my comprehensive exams back. I passed the IR exam and earned "Distinction" on the American exam. This is on par with highest honors at Oberlin. Guess I should have spent more time playing poker this summer or something...
-Two days after the exam, Tenley broke up with me again. Said she loved me, but wasn't in love with me. So life has kind of been sucking since then. Guess it will get better eventually, but for the moment, I'm dividing my time between frantically trying to get back in shape and drinking heavily at Fiume. Those two efforts may be at cross purposes, its hard to tell.
-Had a great time at the Sierra Summit, finally got to be social with people my age in San Fran. Also got to hang out a lot with Lindsay Telfer, who is fantastically cool, but unfortunately lives in Alberta.
-About to leave for DC, anti-war protests this weekend. Should get to see some dance friends, Michelle Luke, and Joanna Winchester while I'm in town. Should be a good time, I'll write more then...