Monday, August 15, 2005


Okay, so I had plans to go up to New Haven for the weekend and see Tenley. She had time off from her grad school orientation, I desperately needed a break from studying for comps. It almost went completely south Thursday night, but we ended up making some adjustments and I drove up Friday, spent Saturday there, then came back Saturday night. It was a great visit, but that is, in fact, not the subject of this post. The subject is that, well, I think I've got Tenleyitis.

The thing about Tenley is that weird stuff always happens to her. Her parents' place has been struck by lightning. Twice. Her toasters constantly catch fire. Just after she moved to New Haven, she took her car through a car wash, and it ATE HER CAR. It would actually be the biggest problem if we were to get serious with each other in a long-distance relationship. I'd never be able to feel confident that, on any given day, she might not just spontaneously combust or something. It would be like dating someone who was in active-duty armed services -- you'd just never know if they were safe.

Anyway, since I left Connecticut, I've been getting this feeling like maybe whatever it is that she's got has passed on to me. On the drive home, one of my tires EXPLODED. As in, it didn't just go flat, it had been rended asunder. Since when does THAT happen? And right now, there's a thunderstorm going on outside. No big deal, but then I hear this weird gurgling from my sink. There's water bubbling up from the trash compactor, like something is living down there. Think Ghostbusters 2. So I decide to retreat to my room, only to hear an incesant dripping sound. Turns out that water is leaking through UNDER my window. Uh... I don't know what to do about that. Anyway, I'm going to stay on the lookout for any other Tenleyesque occurences in the next few days, and if there are many more, I'll start surfing around the internet for a witch doctor or shaman.


At 10:37 PM, Blogger neilgray said...

umm, i hate to say this dave, but... i think it's an STD. it's going to take a lot of antibiotics before your sink stops gargling.

At 12:20 PM, Blogger sierradave said...

Thanks for the input, Neil. Given the expert advice you gave me on my knee, I really take what you're saying very seriously...


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