Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Tenley-related sort-of update

Yeah, so anyone who was at the July 4th party probably noticed this and/or heard me talking about it, but for posterity and for bad friends who missed the party (such as Aaron Bonner-Jackson, just to name one), apparently the ended relationship that wouldn't end still hasn't ended. Sort of. I am, of course, talking about the girl with the funny name who always drives me to complicated sentence structures. Tenley. I saw her at a going away party for Hanna, which I thought was going to be really rough but turned out to be nice. Then she decided to come to my July 4th, er, 3rd party, possibly because I had called her drunk on the 1st and left a message saying I really hoped she could make it. Yes, I'm back to making drunken phone calls to Tenley. Yes, it still somehow manages to be endearing.

Anyway, we went for a walk together on the 2nd, then she showed up on the 3rd and it was very comfortable. We're not back together, but apparently she's gotten over breaking up with me and we're back to the weird non-defined state that we've occupied for the past few years intermittently. I'm comfortable with that and I think she is too. It means if I end up in New Haven next year, I visit her, and if she ends up in Philly, she visits me. Neither of those is likely to happen unless I get into the tournament circuit and make a trip to Foxwoods. But it's nice being back to what we are.

I remain committed in the abstract to eventually moving on, meeting someone else (hopefully in Philadelphia), and starting a real relationship. But that continues to, you know, REALLY not happen. So Tenley and Dave will keep being Tenley and Dave for a while longer. All friends who think I should know better should groan loudly in 3...2...1...


At 8:43 PM, Blogger ABJ said...


Dude, you sort of hinted at it but never really said it -- are you bumping uglies or what??

At 12:31 PM, Blogger sierradave said...

Ahem, this is a pg 13-rated post.

At 11:16 AM, Blogger neilgray said...

Dude, she's the backdoor nut flush of your love life. See what the next hand brings...


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