Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Fucking E.L.F...

So I'm at a folk show on Monday night, and the guitarist mentions that he could hardly get there b/c I-76 was completely blocked. Didn't think anything of it at the time, but then I find out from the local news that it was all because the Earth Liberation Front planted a fake bomb along the highway. Go ELF, way to protect the planet.

Now I'm all for a diversity of strategies within the movement. We don't all have to be the Sierra Club, and we probably shouldn't all be the Sierra Club. I have often said that the Club needs Earth First!, Earth First! needs the Club, and we all need to show each other more respect.


I'd like to make a modest proposition about our tactical choices. As a benchmark, IF YOUR TACTIC IS DESIGNED TO PISS OFF THE FOLK MUSICIANS, DON'T FUCKING DO IT.

That is all.


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